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Calling All Cars
If we don't have what you are looking for or
want to sell or swap. Place a free classified with us.
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VINTAGE TIN: (Piles of it!)
Model A wire wheels
1929 Durant LS fender with side mount
1929 Nash 2 front door
1928 Chevrolet 4DR
8-1929-30 Chevrolet chassis
1929 Chevy pickup chassis, cowl, front
4-1932 Wire Wheels and tires.
Parts for 1929/30 Chevy: Engines, transmissions ,rear ends ,front
axles, starters, generators, back panels, hood panels, headlight
bars, front&rear doors, bumpers, front and rear fenders, and tire carriers.
Parts for 1929 Nash: wood firewall ,dash panel, sun visor, front & rear
doors ,center door posts ,hood top & side panels.
Contact Larry
204-727-7928 or larryaspence@hotmail.com
Brandon, Manitoba Canada

Orphan cars: Stude,
Packard, Hudson, Henry J etc; parts for old cars. Also antique snowmobiles &
parts. please check out this web page also: http://minot.com/~aiseq
click on Inventory & scroll to bottom of page; or call
701-839-5820 Dan ,Minot ND.